Arab Fertilizer Association (AFA) - 31st International Technology Conference & Exhibition in Casablanca, Morocco.

Arab Fertilizer Association (AFA) - 31st International Technology Conference & Exhibition in Casablanca, Morocco.

From June 26th to 28th, 2018, a delegation from JAS Global Industries, comprised of our CEO, Jamal Matalka, and our MEA team, participated in the 31st AFA International Technical Exhibition held in Casablanca, Morocco.

This year's conference centered on enhancing efficiency, conserving energy, promoting environmental sustainability, and enhancing the reliability of existing fertilizer plants. Delegates from North Africa, the Middle East, Asia, and Europe exchanged insights on advanced fertilizer coating technologies, as well as the implementation of energy-saving methods, design, and upgrades for fertilizer plants to meet contemporary efficiency and safety standards. Notably, leading manufacturers are now prioritizing not only maximizing economic outcomes but also minimizing environmental impact.

AFA has become a landmark event for industry actors, manufacturers, and suppliers of equipment, technology, services, and R&D in various areas linked to the fertilizer industry. 

Created On
June 2018
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