Water security and sustainability are important concerns being addressed globally. These issues represent a significant challenge for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, due to its scarce water resources, growing population, and an increased demand for water across various sectors. To address these challenges, the Deputy Ministry of Water, under the Ministry of Environment, Water, and Agriculture introduced the Saudi Water Forum, and invited their partners from across the region to discuss comprehensive solutions. The forum aims to establish a platform for leaders, experts, and major stakeholders in the water industry and has achieved recognition from the Saudi Council of Ministers and international entities.
As a company that was born in the Kingdom, JAS Global will be taking part in the Saudi Water Forum 2024 to discuss best practices and successful water projects that could help tackle its challenges. It is an honor to have an opportunity to partner with the Kingdom and contribute to its growth. We are a proud local manufacturer that is constantly innovating new chemical solutions that will add value to the local community and address the Kingdom’s main water challenges.